Ali per volare nell’infinito, a un soffio dal cielo a un palmo da terra;
creature in rinascita, cavalli liberi e potenti e mondi senza confini sono la forza poetica
delle opere di Elena Rede che divengono sculture-gioiello, in argento,
platino, oro, rodio, marmo o madreperla nell’esclusiva collezione di gioielli unici,
realizzati interamente a mano nella collezione Wearing art.
Wings to fly in the infinity, a breath from the sky to an inch from the ground;
creatures in rebirth, free and power horses, and worlds without limits, are the poetic strength of Elena Rede’s artworks that become precious jewel-sculpture, in silver, platinum, gold, rhodium, marble or nacre in the exclusive collection of unique jewels, entirely handmade in Wearing art collection.
creatures in rebirth, free and power horses, and worlds without limits, are the poetic strength of Elena Rede’s artworks that become precious jewel-sculpture, in silver, platinum, gold, rhodium, marble or nacre in the exclusive collection of unique jewels, entirely handmade in Wearing art collection.